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Release 2024.02

6 februari 2024 2 minuten lezen

On the 2nd of February 2024, all customers on the production version of the Procurios Platform will use release 2024.02. In this blog you can read all about what's new and what has been improved. For more information about the different versions of the platform, please visit the release page.

Memberships: Department-specific relationship fields

If your organization consists of local departments, up-to-date and reliable data is vital for both the national office and the local departments, who work with the same data. Additionally, local departments have their own local work processes and interests and therefore have a need to record 'own' data. We have provided this with this release.

If you use the My Department module, departments can create (department-specific) relationship fields themselves. These fields can then be seen and edited on the relationship card and can also be searched for via relationship filter. Only the most common field types can be chosen for these fields. Think of: text, currency, date, time, checkbox, dropdown, radio button, etc.

You can implement this function with the help of a consultant, after which a department can get started with it independently.

Memberships: Afdelingsspecifieke relatievelden

CMS: Additional settings available within the Vacancy product

Until recently, certain settings within Vacancy (vacancies) were not accessible to administrators and you had to contact Procurios for certain changes. To ensure that the administrator can adjust this himself from now on, these preferences can now be found within the settings of this product. For example, consider certain email configurations or settings that apply to vacancy self-service.

CMS: Aanvullende instellingen beschikbaar binnen product Vacancy

Meetings & Events: Proof of participation available

With proof of participation, you as an organization can provide meeting participants with (physical) proof that they have been present. This proof of participation can be provided with the CRM fields of your choice and with a specific format. This template can then also be used for other meetings.

A participant can also quickly view an overview of their participation certificates via a personal page and print them out if desired.

Meetings & Events: Bewijs van deelname beschikbaarFinance: VAT amount per percentage grouped by invoice

It has become possible to create invoices when items with different VAT percentages must be included on the same invoice. This way, as an organization, you are able to offer various products and invoice them correctly to your target group.

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