Release 2022.07

22 juni 2022 2 minuten lezen

In the course of Wednesday June 22, 2022, all customers on the production version of the Procurios Platform will use release 2022.07. In this blog you can read all about what's new and what has been improved. For more information about the different versions of the platform, please visit the release page.

Communities: mentions of other participants

It is now possible to involve other members of a community or intranet in a conversation with a mention (@name) in a comment. The person who is 'mentioned' receives a notification.

You can mention one or more participants in a reaction to a community message (send a notification). In your message, type the well-known @ symbol followed by the name of the member you want to 'mention'. You will immediately see a dropdown with matching names. The person you select will receive a notification of your message.


Meetings & Events: online payment during registration

As of this release, it is possible for people registering for a meeting to pay online.

The settings for the payment options have been moved to a place where it fits better, namely under the tab 'Tickets & Registration' (previously this was under 'Settings' as 'Invoicing').

The new option 'Payment during registration' has been added to the payment options. Here you can choose the possible payment methods. (The payment methods themselves are set under Finance > Payments. See also our helpcenter article about this). As always within Meetings&Events, the choices made in the Meeting are reflected in the registration process on your site.

Prices including or excluding VAT
Within a Ticket type you select an (administrative) product. When calculating the price, the VAT percentage of this product was used. This has now also been moved to the Payment Options, so there is one clear place where the VAT percentage for the event is determined.

Display notifications
Finally, the view of the Registration tab is also adjusted to this new situation. The layout of this tab is changed, so that the invoices are now directly visible to the subscriber.


Finance: payment characteristics as invoice reference for invoices 

This release introduces the use of 'Bank transfer with a payment reference' for the automatic processing of invoice payments. 

  • For Belgium: transfer with Structured Remittance (a.k.a. OGM)
  • For the Netherlands: acceptgiro

This feature is not automatically included on your Platform. Please ask your consultant to add this feature.

Within an Administration, after the feature has been added, you can then activate it under Finance (Finance > [Administration concerned] > settings > Payments > Payment features). When creating an invoice, an OGM will then be generated automatically. This payment reference can be communicated to the debtor in an invoice pdf template and/or an e-mail template.

A payment transaction that includes the payment reference is automatically linked to the invoice and is therefore processed immediately.

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