
As a strategic partner, you can rely on us to share your vision and goals. Our domain expertise and your industry knowledge make the perfect combination for success.

  • Experienced consultants
  • Custom developments
  • A partner that thinks with you

From idea to realisation

Every service that requires a consultant falls under Consultancy services. From implementations, training, development and strategic advice.



Together with our consultant you will work on the setup of your Procurios Platform. During several work sessions, you will be able to express your needs and wishes. Our consultant will make sure your platform suits your organisation



Our standard solutions have plenty to offer, but for some organisations custom developments are required for specific requests. Our team of developers are at the ready and will create a soltuoin that connects with the rest of your platform.


Consultancy Services

Strategy and advice are invaluable for any organisation. Our consultants are experienced professionals with great insights and perfect to pitch ideas to.


The configuration of your platform is an essential port in your implementation phase. Together with your consultant, you will be able to choose the structure of your platform during several work sessions.

  • Dedicated Consultant
  • Configuration and optimisation
  • Advice and insights
  • Your own input
  • Configured to your organisation
Which solution suits you best?

Product development

Our standard solutions already have plenty to offer, but for some organisations additional development is required to meet specific requests. To support this, Procurios offers custom developments that are added to your platform. We develop it specifically for you, or it becomes a generic functionality.

  • Custom development
  • Customer specific or generic
  • Your own input
Read our customer stories

Consultancy Services

Strategy and advice are invaluable for any organisation. Our consultants are experienced professionals with great insights and perfect to pitch ideas to.

  • Analysis
  • Strategy
  • Design
  • Completion
Discover our strategic offers

Ask your question to a consultant

We gladly get you started and give you insightful tips and advice! 

Contact us

Customer stories: What customers have to say

Roel Mathies at Milieudefensie

Our dream is to one day have thousands of members communicate one-to-one. With the Procurios CRM, we're heading in that direction.

Profielfoto van Roel Mathies
Roel Mathies Coordinator Service line at Milieudefensie

Liesbeth Baldee at Harteraad

Procurios seemed to be the perfect match between not only affordable software and its possibilities, but also of a system that is very accessible and user friendly.

Profielfoto van Liesbeth Baldee
Liesbeth Baldee Office manager at Harteraad

Folko de Haan at Groenlinks

The system operates user friendly and saves us plenty of work. It is logically built and you find out how things work in a heartbeat.

Profielfoto van Folko de Haan
Folko de Haan Data marketeer at Groenlinks

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