From error-prone process to grip on your membership administration

The membership administration is a task that requires care and attention. The membership administration software of Procurios saves you plenty of work, time and effort!

Memberships (Subscriptions): What should engagement cost?

You have recruited a new member for your association! Thanks to a pleasant welcome discount, you convinced a doubting candidate. Now the celebration of involvement can really begin. Will the trial subscriber automatically receive a new invoice with direct debit next year? Or is a membership extended because association members respond to a payment invitation? You can easily get it done with Memberships.


Make memberships transparent, from inquiry to invoicing.

Seamless cooperation between products

The membership administration software is part of the same platform as the CRM, Meetings and Communities.

Highlight the advantages

Show the right content to right person and showcase the membership advantages. 

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Discover it yourself

Why Procurios?: Discover the benefit of integration

When you choose Memberships from Procurios, you choose an integrated product. What benefit do you get from that? We would like to summarize this for you:

Feature vergelijking
Features Memberships from Procurios
Registration and payment from your own website Reduce manual work through registration forms on your website that automatically create the correct subscription Aanwezig
Renew membership based on payment invitation or invoice Is the membership automatically extended and do you send an invoice? Or do you send an invitation and payment leads to an extension? This is possible thanks to the automatic connection with Finance Aanwezig
Price calculations based on your relation data Determine the subscription prices based on position, age or other characteristics that are important to your association and its relations Aanwezig
Access for admininistrators of local departments Give representatives of local departments access to relation data and mutations of their members and network relationships Aanwezig
Send postal and digital mailings Send a magazine by post via MailMerge or create a digital mailing Aanwezig
A little better every month Once every four weeks there is a new release with all updates and improvements Aanwezig
Discounts based on meeting attendance Give members a discount based on participating in a meeting, such as a course or general membership meeting In combination with add-on
Raise additional donations and split payments Do your members like to pay a little extra because they support the goals of your association? Easily split payments into subscriptions and donations In combination with add-on
Onboarding journeys Ensure that members quickly feel at home with your association through personalized email journeys Add-on product
Consultants at your disposal Our implementation consultants help you set up your subscriptions and memberships Add-on service
Prijs From € 20 per month

Wil je meer weten?

Wil je weten of het Procurios Platform bij jouw organisatie past? Boek dan een gepersonaliseerde demo. Onze experts hebben al veel vraagstukken van verenigingen voorbij zien komen en kunnen je tijdens de demo uitgebreid van advies voorzien. 

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