From anonymous online to valuable meeting with like-minded people

Meetings and events are perfect opportunities to involve your supporters in your mission. Meetings & Events makes invitation, registration and communication about your event easy.

Meetings & Events: Online and offline meeting for members and donors

What kind of meeting suits your social organization? Is it a course that contributes to the professional development of a profession? Or is it a benefit dinner to raise funds for your latest project? Will you tell us something about your travel project for volunteers in a webinar? Or is it time for the AGM (annual general meeting) again?

Online registration

Allow visitors to register online and invoice them accordingly. Visitors can manage their own registration.

Detailed visitor list

Registrations are logged automatically, so you have an up to date list of visitors. Export important data or send your visitors details about the event. 


Publish your meeting on your website. In just a few clicks, all the information becomes availble online and the registration window opens! 

Explore the features: Functionalities and possibilities

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Weblog: Beter bijeenkomsten beheren?

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