Procurios Platform

Spread your message through our powerful solution. Function better as a team and tell your story to your audience at the right time through the right channel.

Discover Procurios: What will be your next step?

Step by step you take your social organization to the next phase in digital maturity. This makes it increasingly easier to connect people to your mission for the long term. Discover the products from our integrated platform that help you with this:

Add-ons (not included as standard)

E-commerce app icon



Sell ​​products via an online store (webshop)

Made for associations

The Procurios Platform is a unique solution made specifically for associations and charities. It fits seamlessly to your organisation.

Get started

Ideal for associations and charities

The Procurios Platform is built with and for associations and fundraising organizations. We are constantly adding new functionalities and improvements.

Safe in the European cloud

Your data is stored in the Netherlands, but can be accessed anywhere. The personal data of your relations is stored in a secure environment: you decide with whom you share which data. This way you can ensure privacy and comply with the law (GDPR).

Goodbye unnecessary work!

No unnecessary imports and exports thanks to integration. Automatic processing of membership contributions or donations. And automatic steps with marketing automation. You save time for the core of your mission!

Releases: Better every month

Every four weeks our platform receives a new update full of new and improved functionalities.

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