World Federation of Advertisers

Many organisations think that they're unique and that off-the-shelf software such as Procurios will limit them. But in fact, it's the opposite!

Stephan Loerke CEO at World Federation of Advertisers

World Federation of Advertisers

"Many organisations think that they're unique and that off-the-shelf software such as Procurios will limit them. But in fact, it's the opposite!" - Stephan Loerke, CEO

WFA helps its members deliver responsible and effective marketing communications

  • +7.000 marketeers and policy professionals in the WFA network
  • +80 meetings annually
  • 90% of global communications is spent by WFA members
  • 16 industry sectors are represented by WFA members

Fits our organisation

"Procurios fits our organisation like a glove. The effort required to manage the tool and maintain the data also fits the effort of the WFA staff. More advanced tools require too much effort from a team to use them.„ - Stephan Loerke, Chief Executive Officer of WFA.

  • Little effort to manage data
  • Personalised content
  • Proactive approach

Work more efficiently

"By working more efficiently, WFA not only saves time, but also energy. We can finally invest more time and resources into our members.„ 

Complexity is detrimental

"Our previous solution (Microsoft Dynamics CRM) was more complex, but never met the needs of our association. Today, everybody and everythings works in perfect harmony.„ 

All-in-one Platform

"We were hesitant to harbor everything in one integrated system at just one supplier, but the benefits we're enjoying now could never be possible with stand-alone systems (we didn't realise that at first).„ 

Proactive approach

"Before working with Procurios, we acted reactively towards our members. With a practical and insightful database such as Procurios, we finally work proactively. That creates a better bond with our members and we're closer to reality.„ - Stéphane Arnhem, Database Manager

  • 360 degrees
  • Insight into member engagement
  • Proactive communication

Transparency is invaluable

“Procurios was the first supplier that dared to say 'no' whenever they disagreed with a possible solution. That transparency was invaluable for us when choosing for Procurios as a partner.„ - Claire Mullen, Director of Member Services

  • Clear communication
  • Thinking partner
  • Consultancy Add-on
  • Professionally stubborn

Made for associations

All essential tasks of the entire team are manageable, insightful and fit seamlessly into our work processes. 



A partner that thinks along sides you and dares to say 'no' helps our organisation to be more progressive.


Higher engagement

With Engagement Score WFA understands the engagement and loyalty of its members. We can now work proactively on keeping our audience engaged.

Are you building engagement too?

By using Procuiros /Members you get more insights into your members and you trigger more engagement. Discover it now!

Get started Read more on /Members

Customer stories: This is what our customers think of the Procurios platform

Karin Burghouwt at Royal VEMW (commercial consumers of energy & water)

By working so closely with the Procurios team, we gained a lot of insight into how to start, where to invest our valuable time and discover what is really needed and what is not.

Profile picture of Karin Burghouwt
Karin Burghouwt Secretary association affairs at Royal VEMW (commercial consumers of energy & water)

Raimond Fifis at MOS

Now we can give our energy to more substantive matters that contribute to a future-proof association

Profile picture of Raimond Fifis
Raimond Fifis Managing Partner at MOS

Nynke de Monchy at Parkinson Vereniging

Wij zijn niet over één nacht ijs gegaan en hebben zorgvuldig voor de software van Procurios gekozen. Het werken met het Procurios Platform is erg prettig. Er zijn vele mogelijkheden.

Profile picture of Nynke de Monchy
Nynke de Monchy communicatiemedewerker at Parkinson Vereniging

Gieneke Flohr at ChristenUnie

Doordat we nu alle informatie in één systeem hebben staan, kan er veel meer automatisch. Ik hoef me geen zorgen meer te maken over koppelingen en wat er mee mis kan gaan. Dat scheelt een hoop uitzoekwerk!

Profile picture of Gieneke Flohr
Gieneke Flohr data-adviseur at ChristenUnie

Dirk De Man at

Procurios developed a completely new, catchy website that is appreciated by both our colleagues and our members.

Profile picture of Dirk De Man
Dirk De Man Secretary at

Stephan Loerke at World Federation of Advertisers

Many organisations think that they're unique and that off-the-shelf software such as Procurios will limit them. But in fact, it's the opposite!

Profile picture of Stephan Loerke
Stephan Loerke CEO at World Federation of Advertisers

Liesbeth Baldee at Harteraad

Procurios bleek de goede match te zijn door niet alleen betaalbare software en de mogelijkheden ervan, maar ook omdat het systeem heel toegankelijk in gebruik bleek te zijn.

Profile picture of Liesbeth Baldee
Liesbeth Baldee office manager at Harteraad

Roel Mathies at Milieudefensie

Onze droom is dat we ooit met alle duizenden leden één-op-één kunnen communiceren. Met het CRM van Procurios groeien we daar naar toe.

Profile picture of Roel Mathies
Roel Mathies coördinator servicelijn at Milieudefensie

Sophie Bijloos at NVZD

We werken goed samen, Procurios zoekt naar de beste kwaliteit, denkt met je mee en het systeem is makkelijk in gebruik.

Profile picture of Sophie Bijloos
Sophie Bijloos beleidsmedewerker at NVZD

Folko de Haan at Groenlinks

Het systeem werkt gebruiksvriendelijk en neemt ons erg veel werk uit handen. Het is logisch van opzet: je komt er snel achter hoe alles werkt.

Profile picture of Folko de Haan
Folko de Haan datamarketeer at Groenlinks

Jeffrey Teggelove at VODN

Door het Procurios platform kunnen we nu veel zelf, voornamelijk gericht op de communicatie met onze leden: uitnodigingen sturen, bijeenkomsten organiseren, ruimtes reserveren, etc.

Profile picture of Jeffrey Teggelove
Jeffrey Teggelove algemeen secretaris at VODN

Grégory Marchandise at UBA

Because of Procurios our members/visitors receive personalised content, tailored to their interests; both on our website and in mailings. This leads to twice the engagement on emails.

Profile picture of Grégory Marchandise
Grégory Marchandise Digital Manager - Expert Content Marketing | Marketing Technology at UBA

Marjan Sewradj at KNCV

We hebben een ingewikkelde ledenadministratie en veel partijen zeiden dat Procurios ons kon helpen. Dat bleek te kloppen!

Profile picture of Marjan Sewradj
Marjan Sewradj ledenadministrateur at KNCV

Vincent Stoops at Davidsfonds

Procurios has both the technical knowledge and business insight to understand what our organization needs

Profile picture of Vincent Stoops
Vincent Stoops Deputy Director at Davidsfonds

Pascale Braeckman at Willemsfonds

Wij zijn heel tevreden over de samenwerking met Procurios en raden het zeker aan bij andere verenigingen: doordat het één systeem is worden er veel minder fouten gemaakt

Profile picture of Pascale Braeckman
Pascale Braeckman communicatiemedewerker at Willemsfonds

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