Engage your donors, members and partners in their journey from doubter to fan

Discover the online platform that helps your social organization build long-term engagement of members and donors.

This is Procurios: From unknown to ambassador

Meaningful interaction is indispensable in a world where attention to what really matters is scarce. That's why you need to know how to reach, engage and retain like-minded people. Procurios helps organizations turn doubters into fans, make strangers feel at home with them and uses technology to provide the building blocks for long-term engagement.

Build Engagement: Involve people in your mission

Discover your next tools for administration, community management and fundraising.

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You have a wonderful mission with your charity or association. You want to involve people in that. You therefore present your story both online and offline.

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Your story strikes a chord. New relations register via your website and enter your CRM. The journey from newbie to ambassador has started!

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Thanks to smart personal journeys, your relations become further involved. One person registers for an event. Another makes a one-time donation. A third joins as an member of your association.

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The impact of your social organization is growing! You can improve your strategy with tools to measure and analyze engagement.

Discover all the building blocks for long-term engagement

Ideal for associations and charities

The Procurios Platform is built with and for associations and fundraising organizations. We are constantly adding new functionalities and improvements.

Safe in the European cloud

Your data is stored in the Netherlands, but can be accessed anywhere. The personal data of your relations is stored in a secure environment: you decide with whom you share which data. This way you can ensure privacy and comply with the law (GDPR).

Goodbye unnecessary work!

No unnecessary imports and exports thanks to integration. Automatic processing of membership contributions or donations. And automatic steps with marketing automation. You save time for the core of your mission!
Discover Procurios

What will be your next step?

Step by step you take your charity or association to the next phase in digital maturity. Learn more about our building blocks for each step:

  • CRM app icon

    CRM Relationship Management

    Manage relations and save contact moments

    Learn more
  • CMS app icon

    CMS Website

    Present your story and involve people through a personalized website

    Learn more
  • Mailings app icon

    Mailings Newsletters

    Send digital mailings

    Learn more
  • Finance app icon


    Make your financial administration a lot easier

    Learn more
  • Library app icon

    Library Documents

    Make files available through an online library

Knowledge base: How to build engagement

Get started: From fragmented data everywhere to an integrated platform in the cloud

Switching to Procurios is easy. Our professionally opinionated Procuriots help you get familiar with technology, so you can take matters into your own hands.

  • One of our business developers will visit you to give you and your colleagues a demo of our platform. Prefer an online demo? That's also possible!

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  • Are you convinced that Procurios is also the solution for your organization? Then we'll inventory your wishes: which products will you take? Who will handle the data migration? Would you also like a new website?

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  • Quote approved? Then one of our customer teams will get to work with you. Our implementation consultants will work with you to create a schedule for the setup, data migration, and training.

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  • Your colleagues are trained, your new website is ready. Step by step, you'll say goodbye to your old tools, and the integrated Procurios platform will be your new digital home base.

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Meer weten?

Onze business developers staan je graag te woord en helpen je vrijblijvend ontdekken of Procurios bij jouw organisatie past. 

Vraag direct een demo aan Neem contact op

Unique integration

Your current website, your digital mailings tools or even your entire CRM database … switching to Procurios is easy with our import functionalities! We not only migrate all your data, we also help improve your work flows and data quality.

  • Easy imports
  • Replace your old systems
  • Integrate with your favourite apps
  • CRM, CMS. Mailings, ...
Discover more
Replace your old apps

Customer stories: This is what our customers think of the Procurios platform

Grégory Marchandise at UBA

Because of Procurios our members/visitors receive personalised content, tailored to their interests; both on our website and in mailings. This leads to twice the engagement on emails.

Profile picture of Grégory Marchandise
Grégory Marchandise Digital Manager - Expert Content Marketing | Marketing Technology at UBA

Jeffrey Teggelove at VODN

Door het Procurios platform kunnen we nu veel zelf, voornamelijk gericht op de communicatie met onze leden: uitnodigingen sturen, bijeenkomsten organiseren, ruimtes reserveren, etc.

Profile picture of Jeffrey Teggelove
Jeffrey Teggelove algemeen secretaris at VODN

Gieneke Flohr at ChristenUnie

Because we now have all the information in one system, much more can be done automatically.

Profile picture of Gieneke Flohr
Gieneke Flohr functional administrator at ChristenUnie

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